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Shout3D™ 2.0 - 3D Studio MAX Export Tutorial

Export a Box

Create a parametric Box object at (0,0,0) in world space. Set the Length, Width and Height parameters to 100 units to make a perfect cube, as in the image to the right

To export this scene, use File>Export on the main MAX menu, and select Shout3D Scene Export (.s3d) from the dropdown list. Move to the models directory in your Shout3D installation (Shout3d_runtime/codebase/models) and save the file as box.s3d. You'll be presented with a small dialog box with animation options. As there's no animation in this scene, you can pass right through it.

Launch the Shout3D Wizard and load up box.s3d. Select the ExamineApplet as your Applet type and make sure that a headlight is on. Press the Preview button to examine your handiwork in a Shout3D viewer.


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